#Zakum Talk

MapleStory Came, Helm, Loot, , Stats, Took, Topple


MapleStory entry #3. I didn't have much motivation to grind so I took a little trip down memory lane with some bosses. I am one of the ancients who remembers when Zakum first came out and having to wait months before I could join one of the ~30 member parties required to take topple this lovable collection of rocks. The action was so frantic then, and the organization and strategy required was nerve-wracking. I was on the long list of people waiting to get a Zak helm, the stats of which were incredible back then. I also remember accidentally forgetting to take pet loot off and accidentally stealing someone's helm!!! So sorry. :( *gulp* :3 *sigh* good times...

Games Abyss, Bon, Cygnus, Game, Hilla, Horntail, Knight


[HEADS UP!] This far exceeds the normal video length staggering at an hour and 6 minutes, but hopefully you guys find enjoyment in the random stuff we talk about, like anime we've watched and etc, at 2am. :P Salutations Everyone! This (k)night was recorded on the 31st. Tonight we briefly go over: - Updates on content - Talking about the latest KMS patch - Possible Live Stream idea - Even More Rage Against Magnus - Cory Has Papers for days - Talking about Pokemons - Other rambles that doesn't involve cubes buythecubesbuythecubesbuythecubesbuythecubes Thanks for listening in and we'll see ya all next time~

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