#Spoke Talk

Chat Preview, Spoke, Whatnot


Hey all! Hope you're having a good holiday and chilling out a bit from all the studies / work / whatnot. Thought I'd get your feedback on an updated version of that new design I spoke about. The preview is here. Please ignore the content, it's just there for testing. And I'm aware that the mobile version is completely not working, bear with me. I've taken a lot of your thoughts into consideration. Let me know what you think of this latest build. Have a good holidays!

Anime Art, Illustration, Interview, AcidBlackCherry, , Binge, BloodHeat


It's always exciting to see someone hone their skills to the point where they go beyond emulating their inspiration to a place where they can explore the things inside their head. At the same time, it's important for someone from the outside looking in to keep in mind that great art is not an island, there is many years of work involved in getting to that point. There are no shortcuts - everyone gets out of it what they put into it. Whether you've heard of Ian Olympia, aka wicked alucard, is not entirely important. His body of work as an illustrator of 11 years is a great example of that transformation from emulation to personal exploration. Echofreak manga art If you're into manga, you might enjoy his black and white prints or one-offs fro