#Preview Talk

TV Academy, Alexander, Chau, Christoph, Damon, Hong, Jason


Anyone see Downsizing yet? It's probably in my top 5 for 'WTH is going on' movies. There are so many grandiose statements being made I don't even know what the ultimate objective is. On the one hand I found the stereotypes highly stupid and offensive (ie, the Vietnamese character) and at the same time some of the topics were highly pertinent and interesting, such as the key premise of "downsizing" as a means of dealing with overpopulation and climate change. Anyway, it's weird, and for me the Vietnamese stereotype was garish enough to the point of being questionably racist. I'm torn about whether to recommend it on that point alone as I am a bit extremist about steering clear of racist things. But I am also curious if any of you have seen i

Chat Preview, Spoke, Whatnot


Hey all! Hope you're having a good holiday and chilling out a bit from all the studies / work / whatnot. Thought I'd get your feedback on an updated version of that new design I spoke about. The preview is here. Please ignore the content, it's just there for testing. And I'm aware that the mobile version is completely not working, bear with me. I've taken a lot of your thoughts into consideration. Let me know what you think of this latest build. Have a good holidays!

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