#HelloIm Talk

Games Flute, Helloim, Highschool, Maplestory, Yellonde, 4th, Apps


#helloim Chris! I'm a senior in #highschool, just finishing up college apps yeet. I play on the #yellonde server in #Maplestory, started around (when Monster Carnival/Cygnus classes came out ~v72). Made a Battle Mage when they came out in 2010 and it is still my main to this day. I'm interested in programming and math and STEM in general. I want to get into photography, and learn more instruments (#flute since 4th grade, trying to learn piano and guitar now). I'm not good with introductions (or talking in general), so.... nice to meet you all!

Anime Helloim, , Game, Games, Goes


#helloim captain! I started bzl.co as a way for my fellow in-game buddies and I to keep in touch if/when they / I moved on from whatever game I was into at the moment. You know how it goes - you get to know someone really well while grinding endless weeks to hit your goals or working together with others on a strategy to take down a boss, and then RL happens and you lose touch. This is a place where you can talk about games, anime, and the like. Get your friends on board so you can keep in touch and even make new friends as you find other cool games / things to watch. I'm working on some cool features so stick around.

MapleStory Games, Helloim, Jack, Life, Love, , PC


-BZL POST #2: Going to try to post more frequently! -Game Update: My Dark Knight is now level 218, slowing pushing towards my goal of 224. His range is sitting around 8.3m buffed! -My F/P is currently 170, trying for 200 for the event prizes. I have never played an explorer mage besides my bishop, so this is a fun and refreshing experience. - I started farming shinies on S/M and I got a 5 IV'd Wishiwashi! -Life Update: No word from my insurance regarding the accident I was in on the 23rd of November. I am all healed up, but still suffering a serious heart ache from losing my baby (car). I had invested the better part of a year into it; blood, sweat and tears. All gone from some careless driver. At least it was just my car; and not my life.

Games Books, HelloIm, Reading, Basil, Prettymuch, Told, UnderTheDome


Hi there! Random87/Dlawa/Johan here. Mister B told me to go here. Sooo I'm here. That's prettymuch it. I was an active basil person a little over a year ago, but I haven't been there for quite a while lately. Usually I'd come back every few weeks, just to see who was still around. Sooooo I'm hoping to see some familiar names here. Any of ye' piraty people left? :D #HelloIm Oh and I'm reading Under The Dome, (That's how I use the site right? :3) #reading #Books