#Hedrahelix Talk

Games Bought, Further, Game, Goes, Grown, HedraHelix, Ivy


Sooooo yesterday I promised/threatened I'd post a plant-review here everyday, which was meant as a joke, but hey, I'm not doing anything useful, so here we go! Plantreview#1! In today's review I'll be looking at the Hedra Helix! Also known as plain-old Ivy. You might think "Why review ivy? not exactly the most exciting plant in the world.." And you'd be right, they're not.. But that's exactly what makes them great! The beauty of the Hedra Helix is in the simplicity. But obviously tastes differ, so let me give you some real reasons to like ivy! The first reason to like ivy is Caring for them, mainly because they hardly require any care at all! The second reason to like ivy is that they don't require much space, just place them somewhere up h