#Further Talk

MapleStory Alpha, Blogs, BZL, FireAlpaca, Further, Games


Hi all! Hope you've had a great summer so far? Thought I'd share an update on the alpha launch of the new Forum functionality! BZL's forums are split into 4 topics, which are identical to our site topics; Games, Art, TV, Music. Up to this point, BZL has been *solely* about stories, which are basically like blogs - little snippets of news, screenshots or videos. Forums are a way to ask questions or bring up discussions in a more casual way. It's also a format that's more conducive to chat as the thread gets bumped when there are replies. Each forum has a list of sub-forums. Many of us are current / former Maplers so there is a MapleStory forum. But there are also forums for other games as well as consoles (DS, Switch, PS4, etc). You'll note

Games Bought, Further, Game, Goes, Grown, HedraHelix, Ivy


Sooooo yesterday I promised/threatened I'd post a plant-review here everyday, which was meant as a joke, but hey, I'm not doing anything useful, so here we go! Plantreview#1! In today's review I'll be looking at the Hedra Helix! Also known as plain-old Ivy. You might think "Why review ivy? not exactly the most exciting plant in the world.." And you'd be right, they're not.. But that's exactly what makes them great! The beauty of the Hedra Helix is in the simplicity. But obviously tastes differ, so let me give you some real reasons to like ivy! The first reason to like ivy is Caring for them, mainly because they hardly require any care at all! The second reason to like ivy is that they don't require much space, just place them somewhere up h

Games Nintendo, Amiibo, Aria, BGMs, Castlevania, December


I recently finished playing Xenoblade Chronicles (available now from the Nintendo eShop!). It was pretty damn awesome, dood. I gotta be honest, I was really freaked out during the last part of the game. 188 hours? Well, I spent most of the time listening to the BGMs, it's worth a listen even if you haven't played the game yet. I didn't want to leave Mechonis Field because the tune was just as good as Gaur Plain. Certain places gets blocked off the further you progress, but thankfully there is New Game+ thing. You can carry over levels, party member's affinity, gems, some equips, and some other stuff. I do want to play through this game again because I missed a lot of stuff like quests and the complete reconstruction of Colony 6, but there a

3DS Console, Further, Game, Lengthy, Pixels, Playable


Admittedly, I'm not a fan of the fad of 3D remakes, but I understand that those nostalgic for pixels are in the minority. I am showing my age a bit when I say that I did play the original Dragon Quest VIII back on the original console all those years ago, but I'm still excited to see that it's coming out again on the #3DS on January 20. Not content with just rehashing an old game, there are also two new playable characters and more side quests. If you're looking for a lengthy classic RPG with a modern update graphically, look no further.