#Bluefalcon Talk

Games BlueFalcon, Dood, Frick, Friggin, Game, GummiFalcon


Tuesday tunes, dood. Damn, that beat tho. Spoilers still? I don't know. New favorite tune. So, I finished the game and, I'm not really sure how to feel about it. It feels like it wasn't worth the wait. Like, what the frick was all that? Why is this happening? Who are these people? Where did he go this time!? Some of the rescues were kind of strange, I really thought it would be more epic, but no. It all feels like closure. I tried to make a Blue Falcon in the Gummi editor thing. It's very basic and I went off memory. Yeah, it looks really strange and off. Let's just say I had way more fun than I thought I would after making it. Friggin' destroyed everything! #Games