#Blackclover Talk

TV Anime, AnimeSeason, Avid, BlackClover, Cheesy, Coffe, CowboyBepop


#Anime Fall 2017 Season Awards I thought I would post something on this page because I enjoy anime a lot. Here's what I watched, dropped, and recommend from the Fall 2017 Anime Season! (I also added some season "awards" like the Dundies from the Office) Warning - these aren't in-depth reviews. If you were to ask me about a show, these are the first thoughts that would come to mind. 1. Kekkai Sensen & Beyond (season 2) - I recommend! Award: Instant Coffe- ... Classic Award This series is on my all-time favorites list. Go watch season 1! If you like Cowboy Bepop or Samurai Champloo, this is the anime for you! Solid animation and story. My Grade: 8.6/10 2. Black Clover - I dropped :( Award: The Belly Flop Award Episode one was released a coupl