




Why do phone and tablet have higher resolutions with gooder pixel density and cheaper than computer monitor?!?!


3 Comments • Newest first


yeah, I hear you...

Reply 335w

It's the Monitor-Screen. Most GPUs right now supports 1920 x 1080 Resolution. But if you go and buy a standard-affordable-laptop or monitor right now, you still find around most of them to be 1600 x 900 Resolution, unless you provide the budget for the HD-one (1080p, anything below it is not considered full-HD). The thing about 1600 x 900, is it's not even 16 : 9 aspect-ratio! So you will change it to 768 Resolution to downgrade the picture to 720p.
Do not pay for a monitor (or laptop) that doesn't have 1920 x 1080 support(HD-support), it's not worth it. It only costs a few more to go for HD, so go for HD! (atleast!)

The reason why Tablets and Phones have better picture-quality, is because the diodes are very close together(the spacings are very tight) because the screen is very small(this is called having a highier "pixel density" because the screen is smaller). Compare it to a bigger-screen, the pixel-numbers will still be the same(it's the standard) but they have to make the screen bigger, so ofcourse, it will reduce the quality(more space between LEDs, your naked-eye cannot recognize those, but you can towards the quality of picture). Also, the greater the pixel-density, the more vivid the color and more sharper the picture appears. You do not get greater pixel-density from upgrading your screen to bigger because pixel-quantity has to remain standard(the same quantity). This is the answer to your question. Smallest-screens will always have the best quality because of picture-density.

Reply 335w

Pixel-density means spacings between the Diodes(LEDs). An RGB-LED produce 1-pixel through light. Combinations of Red-Green-Blue with varrying Intensity can produce 1-pixel-color you want, including whatever Tint or Shade. The closer these diodes are together(because the screen is made smaller), the better the picture-quality, and we are talking about having the same pixel-quantity here(such as both being 1080p). Pixel-quantity follows a standard(4K is not mainstream yet, but we have 1080p in 16: 9 aspect-ratio for top-end-mainstream). There is no such thing as having "good pixel-density", it is either greater or lower. The word is "density" lol, "density" means how close or apart! Air-density is lower, means air-molecules are farther apart, that is why when you fly in higher altitudes, it is harder to breathe, and so, the cabin must be pressurized for air. "Density" is an elementary-word, please do not misunderstand. And correction; Phones/Tablets do not have higher resolution(resolution means quantity of pixels), they have the same (because we follow the standard), they just have greater picture-density(due to smaller screens), thus, affecting the sharpness of picture and vividness of the color for the better.

reply 335w (Edit: 2017-11-24)