#Higher Talk

Games Amiibo, Canada, Corrin, Dood, Headphone, Higher, Kamui


Player 2 amiibo, dood. I made sure to take the pic at a bit higher angle so you could see their lips this time! Wasn't expecting these until the next two weeks, but I guess it's a nice birthday month surprise. As you might have noticed, these are the Japanese ones. Yes, I ordered these from there, Canada just doesn't have anything, dood. Kamui does sound a lot better than Corrin. Cloud - Player 2 amiibo is by far the coolest (and sexiest?) amiibo ever, dood. Also, something I wish I did at the start of collecting amiibo, was to save the background box art. I've been watching Lamarr Wilson unbox these things like a madman, so I didn't give it much thought at first, but now I kind of regret it. Oh well, it's just a piece of cardboard. It woul

MapleStory games, , Nintendo, PaperMario, WiiU, 1st, 2nd


Kinesis the Hedgehog. 36th. 7904 total levels. I think everyone knows where this ign came from. That's what I thought of when I saw the female Kinesis art. Less than 100 levels to go, dood. Training was kind of bland because all I ever used was Psychic Smash, but it felt oddly satisfying to pick things up and smash 'em to bits. Bossing was different, a lot more stuff going on. Ultimate B.P.M. and Trainwreck, two different DoTs from Psychic Blast and Psychic Assault, Mind Quake which does something else(?), Psychic Drain to keep Psychic Points (PP) up, and of course Kinetic Combo (Final Attack). Ultimate Deep Impact removes boss buffs (like cancel Magic thing) and Mental Shock is a bind skill. I think I remember 1st and 2nd job being really