

Dark Souls



A Dark Souls II themed Splatoon 2 DLC


7 Comments • Newest first


It's funny but I don't think you've shown one other screen or talked about it other than this drawing thing.

Reply 349w

@syrup Eeh idk, I don't feel like talking about gameplay from games in general, it mostly would be like: 'I like this game, it's a good game and I like the art style, etc...' So imo it's not worth mentioning.

reply 349w

@HawtNoodle no no, totally, I get it. I'm just saying that THIS aspect of the game, this monochromatic drawing thing, seems to be more enjoyable and engaging for you than the actual main "intended" gameplay. It's kind of cool cuz it's kinda like a game inside a game, or an app inside a game. Really interesting when that happens. Another example would be the GTA players who make all kinds of weird stunt videos and whatnot. Something anthropologically interesting about those occurences. To me at least.

reply 349w

@syrup Looking forward to more of these, btw.

reply 349w

@syrup I don't know why but the drawing thing is very relaxing compared to drawing in photoshop and I don't feel "locked" to my art style when using this

reply 349w