#Jett Talk

MapleStory games, , 29th, Animations, Became, Combo, Dood


I wanted to play something pink because Pink Bean and stuff, mostly because nexon won't let me make one. 29th. 7709 total levels. Some of you might know what a Wave Buster is, it's the charge combo for Wave Beam in Metroid Prime. That's what I thought of when coming up with an ign and I think it fits well since youknow, Celestial Roar sort of shoots a wave of sound. That Hall of Maple Warriors chair is what I use to keep track of my total levels. I didn't even know what those numbers meant until I did some googling, dood. That chair description is not very clear, nexon. Pretty useful and it also displays your other top 3 highest characters. On sale now! Save 390 coins, dood! I really liked Trinity, it's so much fun to watch. I think it's be

MapleStory games, Jett, , 25th, 26th, Beatdown, Combo


Another 2x lag event, thanks nexon. 26th. 7626 total levels. Jett was originally going to be the 25th, but nexon screwed up their mastery skills by making them not work for a week. Killing stuff was not consistent, dood. Also, that combo orb(I guess it's called Combo Parade?) almost screwed up my screenshot! It spawned near my character and leveled me up before I could use this ultimate, I think it's called Starfall. Training a Jett wasn't that bad actually, I used Cosmic Upheaval and Backup Beatdown taps. It most likely depends on the map layout. I'm kind of interested about Jett's Vth job skill. Maybe I'll adVance it after we get the update that reduces the wait time between these items you have to hold on to. #playing #MapleStory #Jett