#Ivy Talk

Games Bought, Ficus, Grills, Ivy, Pleasepleaseplease, Upload


The local garden centre is going out of business, 30% discount on everything! Luckily I managed to keep calm, and only bought two new plants. (Ivy, there's always room for ivy) I mainly just bought pots. A while ago I bought a bunch of the same type of pots , and now I bought some more so I can keep the same theme going when I buy new plants, or when plants get to big for their current pot. I also bought a stack of cheap pots for any future baby ficus. All of the previous baby ficus have been given away, including their pots, so I needed some more of those. Buuuuuut the real reason I went to the garden centre was to buy the bag in the background, forget about the plants, look at that fox! Today is the first day of the sale, and the discount

Games Artsy, BZL, Favourites, Gone, Ivy, Tricky


Last week my family gave me a bunch of art stuff for my birthday, (to "rekindle your old passion" - My mom, 2017) I still used to do artsy stuff now and then, mostly painting, or more unconventional things, like "I bet I can make (insert item) look nice with some pink spray-paint" But among other things I received some nice pencils, so I've gone back to drawing, which I haven't done in years. Recently I've been drawing Ivy, I love plants, and Ivy is one of my favourites. I think there's something soothing about drawing a bunch of individual leaves. I also choose to draw Ivy since I think it'll help me get better at drawing complex shapes. An Ivy leaf isn't exactly the most complex shape there is, but it's still tricky to get that perfect le

Games Bought, Further, Game, Goes, Grown, HedraHelix, Ivy


Sooooo yesterday I promised/threatened I'd post a plant-review here everyday, which was meant as a joke, but hey, I'm not doing anything useful, so here we go! Plantreview#1! In today's review I'll be looking at the Hedra Helix! Also known as plain-old Ivy. You might think "Why review ivy? not exactly the most exciting plant in the world.." And you'd be right, they're not.. But that's exactly what makes them great! The beauty of the Hedra Helix is in the simplicity. But obviously tastes differ, so let me give you some real reasons to like ivy! The first reason to like ivy is Caring for them, mainly because they hardly require any care at all! The second reason to like ivy is that they don't require much space, just place them somewhere up h