#Grown Talk

Art Crap, Esteem, Gone, Grown


Well, it's been a while... I'll get straight to the point. I've been gone for a very long time mostly because of the fact that I couldn't log in anymore but also because of RL stuff (work/studies related). I've mostly worked horrible jobs which are the bottom of the barrel and they were mentally draining. I got the chance to follow a study for a job I really liked, but failed at the end. I've been struggling (and still am a bit) with low self esteem when it comes to my own art, but I'm working on that (it's probably because I wasn't feeling 100% with all the job/study crap going on). On a positive note, I got a new job recently with awesome folks and co-workers which I never could've imagined so things are looking good. I also want to let y

Games Nintendo, TMS, 3rd, Game, Gonna, Grown, Itsuki


I finally done Lunatic difficulty for Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE, and on Nintendo Switch's birthday too. Oh my Architect, why! I just need that one more play record for the last two trophies, then I'll finally complete this game. I need to play through the game a 3rd time for that last play record. F%#&. I'm gonna try to attempt the restoration patch for my third playthrough. If I can't make it work, I'll just rush through it some other time later this year. Itsuki > Marth Should this game be ported to the Switch? Yes, only if they uncensor the game for the rest of the world. Even so, the Switch is still region free. We grown up, Nintendo. We ain't little kids no more. How would the second screen work? Maybe a toggle button. I don't th

Games Bought, Further, Game, Goes, Grown, HedraHelix, Ivy


Sooooo yesterday I promised/threatened I'd post a plant-review here everyday, which was meant as a joke, but hey, I'm not doing anything useful, so here we go! Plantreview#1! In today's review I'll be looking at the Hedra Helix! Also known as plain-old Ivy. You might think "Why review ivy? not exactly the most exciting plant in the world.." And you'd be right, they're not.. But that's exactly what makes them great! The beauty of the Hedra Helix is in the simplicity. But obviously tastes differ, so let me give you some real reasons to like ivy! The first reason to like ivy is Caring for them, mainly because they hardly require any care at all! The second reason to like ivy is that they don't require much space, just place them somewhere up h