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TreeofSavior #MovieTrailer Talk

Games MovieTrailer


● Onmyoji About 90 years ago, the first Onmyoji abandoned their homeland and made way to our blessed Kingdom, where they took on different positions at the service of the Royal Court. Though their work in the Court ended 4 decades ago, the Onmyoji remain in the Kingdom, quietly tending to their craft in communion with the local people. That, they believe, is the way to creating a place for the Onmyoji in our society. After Medzio Diena, they have focused their efforts on addressing the hardships of a nation struck by catastrophe through the harmonious ways of their class. It is in the balance of heaven and earth, light and dark, yin and yang that the Onmyoji find the source of their power, and nowhere are these forces better represent

Games MovieTrailer, SavrioBGM


● Retiarius In combat, the Retiarius’ main weapons are the net (called the ‘rete’), the trident, and the dagger. Though seemingly harmless at first glance, the rete is used to entrap enemies or pull them towards the Retiarius with one hand while the other attacks with the weapon. Also, the rete allows fighters to reach multiple enemies at once, a move which never fails to impress their audiences. This class is well-known for their dauntless displays in the arena, and the rete-based combat style is a crucial part of that. Reriarius Master Caecilia, however, knows that fame is only momentary, as the public will always admire the strongest champions. Because of this, her determination to survive in the arena has allow

Games MovieTrailer, TOSMovieTrailer


● Onmyoji About 90 years ago, the first Onmyoji abandoned their homeland and made way to our blessed Kingdom, where they took on different positions at the service of the Royal Court. Though their work in the Court ended 4 decades ago, the Onmyoji remain in the Kingdom, quietly tending to their craft in communion with the local people. That, they believe, is the way to creating a place for the Onmyoji in our society. After Medzio Diena, they have focused their efforts on addressing the hardships of a nation struck by catastrophe through the harmonious ways of their class. It is in the balance of heaven and earth, light and dark, yin and yang that the Onmyoji find the source of their power, and nowhere are these forces better represent

Games MovieTrailer, TOSMovieTrailer


● Retiarius In combat, the Retiarius’ main weapons are the net (called the ‘rete’), the trident, and the dagger. Though seemingly harmless at first glance, the rete is used to entrap enemies or pull them towards the Retiarius with one hand while the other attacks with the weapon. Also, the rete allows fighters to reach multiple enemies at once, a move which never fails to impress their audiences. This class is well-known for their dauntless displays in the arena, and the rete-based combat style is a crucial part of that. Reriarius Master Caecilia, however, knows that fame is only momentary, as the public will always admire the strongest champions. Because of this, her determination to survive in the arena has allow

Games MovieTrailer, TOSMovieTrailer


● Retiarius In combat, the Retiarius’ main weapons are the net (called the ‘rete’), the trident, and the dagger. Though seemingly harmless at first glance, the rete is used to entrap enemies or pull them towards the Retiarius with one hand while the other attacks with the weapon. Also, the rete allows fighters to reach multiple enemies at once, a move which never fails to impress their audiences. This class is well-known for their dauntless displays in the arena, and the rete-based combat style is a crucial part of that. Reriarius Master Caecilia, however, knows that fame is only momentary, as the public will always admire the strongest champions. Because of this, her determination to survive in the arena has allow

Games MovieTrailer, TOSMovieTrailer


O Céu na Terra Enquanto o tempo corre como um rio Dura o verde dos pinheiros e da floresta Cerejeiras florescem graciosas Mas a minha felicidade e mágoa murcham Enquanto o meu coração paira até ao vento do Sul Memórias de brisa veraneia enchem o ar Anseio pela minha terra vezes sem conta Mas cada sonho se tornará em cinzas Enquanto o meu coração paira até ao vento do Norte Memórias de alegria outonal acariciam a minha alma Anseio pela minha terra vezes sem conta Mas cada sonho se tornará em cinzas Enquanto rezo dia e noite sob o Sol e a Lua Paz perpétua no Céu e na Terra Que os deuses nos protejam dos céus lá no alto E unam a nação como Yin e Yang O inverno chegou ao santuário Que o m

Games MovieTrailer, TOSMovieTrailer


Ra Reina Finalmente chamados Ao lugar onde nascem as lendas E a lâmina da morte, onde está A viagem continua Enquanto nasce um novo dia Ouçam o hino dos heróis que vos enche de paz A vez chegará em que irão falhar Destroçados Envoltos nas sombras do medo Mas o vosso último destino não será o desespero Lutem pela justiça Liberdade e salvação É aqui que pertencem Eu serei quem vos salva Nada vos impedirá de sobreviver Eu serei a força em toda a vossa vida O caminho que percorreram foi longo A agora este rumo será para sempre vosso Perdidos no escuro Onde começam rondando as feras Prontas para atacar e rasgar em dois a alma Bate de novo o medo Que vos enlouquece Perdidos na tempestade e se

Games MovieTrailer, TOSMovieTrailer


O Céu na Terra Enquanto o tempo corre como um rio Dura o verde dos pinheiros e da floresta Cerejeiras florescem graciosas Mas a minha felicidade e mágoa murcham Enquanto o meu coração paira até ao vento do Sul Memórias de brisa veraneia enchem o ar Anseio pela minha terra vezes sem conta Mas cada sonho se tornará em cinzas Enquanto o meu coração paira até ao vento do Norte Memórias de alegria outonal acariciam a minha alma Anseio pela minha terra vezes sem conta Mas cada sonho se tornará em cinzas Enquanto rezo dia e noite sob o Sol e a Lua Paz perpétua no Céu e na Terra Que os deuses nos protejam dos céus lá no alto E unam a nação como Yin e Yang O inverno chegou ao santuário Que o m