SmexiiNinja avatar



Hi! I've been playing Maplestory for about 10 years now. I've been around Basil and Reddit for quite a few years as well. I like to help people in game but I'm mostly a lone wolf now. Check out my YouTube channel if you're interested in seeing my content.

SmexiiNinja #Maple Talk

Games Gms, Maple, Video, Contiue, Making, Milestone, Subscriber


I've been making videos for awhile now and while 150 subscribers isn't that impressive it's a huge milestone for me. I hope to contiue gaining subscribers through out the year. I'm already looking forward to the next subscriber special :] In the mean time you can check out this video. If you could leave a like and share this with a friend/enemy this would be greatly appreciated. I worked my ass off on this video! #Video #Gms #Maple