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LeagueofLegends #LoL Talk

Games Lol, Riot


Jay Chou is one of China's top performing artists, a longtime League of Legends player, and the owner of the League of Legends Master Series' (LMS) J Team. As Jay will be performing live at the Finals of the 2017 League of Legends World Championship, the Riot music team partnered with him to create a ‘Worlds Remix' of his 2016 song "Hero." #Worlds2017 ************************************************ 人生不是一个人的游戏 Life isn't just a single player game 一起奋斗一起超越 United we fight, united we thrive 一起杀吧sup兄弟 Let's get the killing started 好战好胜战胜逆命 Feisty, warlike, battling

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