#Destiny Talk

Games Arcanum, BecauseCastle, Beginner, Blitz, Destiny, DOOD


"Frig this game!", is what kept going through my mind while playing Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories. My first mistake was choosing Standard difficulty because for some reason, I thought there was a secret movie for this game. There isn't. So I made the game harder than it already is. It was too late to start over again, so I just pushed through. Sora was level 90. I know, 9 more levels, but I really wanted this nightmare to end already. Frustrating af. Cards suck. It's hard to make a good deck. Even when you do, most of the time the deck doesn't even work properly for the bosses and you'll lose anyway. It doesn't even warn you that a boss is in the next door! This game wants to see you lose. Did I mention how much cards suck? I could ta

Games Destiny


The March Update has arrived. More speed. More power. Overall movement speed has been increased and Supers will now recharge 25% faster. We buffed several weapon classes including Sniper Rifles, Linear Fusion Rifles, Pulse Rifles, Shotguns and Sidearms. There are significant changes to the Crucible including a weekly rotating playlist featuring Rumble, Mayhem and 6v6 Iron Banner. Power ammo drops will be more plentiful Crucible-wide and enemy players will now drop their Power Ammo when defeated. You can now earn a new unique reward each week in the Nightfall strike.   You can read the full Patch Notes: https://www.bungie.net/en/Explore/Detail/Update/46708   Experience the March Update today. Game on, Guardians.   FOL

Games 24th, Bas, Destiny, Felt, Game, Introductory, Played


Destiny 2 has launched! I played for about an hour last night at midnight release and it was amazing. The first introductory story mission felt robust and full of action, a far cry from the story-lacking first iteration of Destiny. Before the game began though they played some slides of my Destiny 1 memories and it was honestly heartwarming to go back down memory lane. On September 24th 2014, we began our Destiny journey. 3 years later and we are ready for the next.

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