#Aria Talk

Games IGA, Igavania, Soundtrack, , Aria, BawksArt, ButSwitch


Tuesday tunes, dood. How the hell this been on Youtube since 11 months ago? Well, I'm glad I didn't spoil myself. Damn, that's some good-ass talent. I like the part at 1:12. So here's the Nintendo Switch version. Uhhh, yeah. I think I prefer the disc instead. But Switch for portability, right? Without sounding negative, Switch for portability, XboxOne/PS4 for graphics/admire Miriam's beauty. Yes, I said that. I don't know about the Steam version yet. I'm lazy. So my thoughts about the game so far. Err, I mean the character. Miriam can be cute at times, like when she's preparing a food item, she does this cute little hop at the end. And when she's giving food to that old woman, Miriam's inner thought hopes that the old woman would save some

Games Nintendo, Amiibo, Aria, BGMs, Castlevania, December


I recently finished playing Xenoblade Chronicles (available now from the Nintendo eShop!). It was pretty damn awesome, dood. I gotta be honest, I was really freaked out during the last part of the game. 188 hours? Well, I spent most of the time listening to the BGMs, it's worth a listen even if you haven't played the game yet. I didn't want to leave Mechonis Field because the tune was just as good as Gaur Plain. Certain places gets blocked off the further you progress, but thankfully there is New Game+ thing. You can carry over levels, party member's affinity, gems, some equips, and some other stuff. I do want to play through this game again because I missed a lot of stuff like quests and the complete reconstruction of Colony 6, but there a