




How're you all doing!? Long time no chat

Thought I'd share a quick update about a snappier, leaner, BZL that I'm hoping to launch some time this year. Have a look and let me know your thoughts.

Don't mind the url, it's just a place to test things out and the data is kind of old, but just there to give you an idea of how it looks/works.


3 Comments • Newest first


where hav u been this whole year? also, i couldnt access my past pic in basilmarket :c

Reply 243w

hey @Daimaohz! Long time no chat. >.<

tbh, I've been busy trying to make ends meet. Lots of work and not enough time to focus on enjoyable things like this site. I do check the art and have really enjoyed seeing the community going strong!!

How've you been?

You say there's an issue with basilmarket? Can you clarify please?

reply 243w

@captain ive been good, just resigned from my workplace a month ago due to some higher position abused their place.
anyways, i tried look back into my drawings in basil. Apparently i can only view until from latest to 2015's. I couldnt get access the post from b4 that

reply 243w