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Dlaiwa #Took Talk

Games Plants, Cuttings, Ficus, , Took, Trimmings, YayPlants


I know this is mainly a Gaming related site, buuuuuuuuuuuuut games don't excite me as much as they used to anymore. What does excite me are my ficus cuttings that are starting to root :D Over a month ago I trimmed my way-to-big-to-fit-on-a-desk-ficus and put the trimmings in water. I never expected them to do anything, it took more than two weeks for them to do anything but now it seems I might actually have 6 more baby ficusses to take care of. Yay Plants! #Plants

Games YayPlants, Took


I've been taking pictures of my plants every now and then to see them grow, but even though I thought I took the pictures pretty consistently, It turns out my timing is pretty random, and the angles are all over the place :O The pictures are still pretty interesting, but they're not really what I was aiming for. So now I'm planning to just focus on one plant, my smallest, which has the most growing potential, and is probably the easiest to take pictures of. All I've got to do now is make some sort of rig for my phone, and I'll be set! #YayPlants