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Dlaiwa #BZL Talk

Chat Alight, BZL, Misunderstood, Older, Understood, Wiser


Hello there BZLers good to see some of you are still around! Having not been here for some time I feel like it's time for my yearly BZL update. I think only the captain remembers me, but it doesn't matter much, I think I'm mainly writing this update for myself. Still living. Still loving plants. Steadily getting older. Feeling slightly wiser. Still learning to accept myself. Still stressing myself out over minor things. Still loving my motorcycle. Steadily trying more new things every year. Getting back into reading, reading more books with some kind of philosophical moral to them than I did before. Starting to enjoy a lot of activities I previously deemed to be for old people, like taking a language-course and discussing books. I'd love to

Games Artsy, BZL, Favourites, Gone, Ivy, Tricky


Last week my family gave me a bunch of art stuff for my birthday, (to "rekindle your old passion" - My mom, 2017) I still used to do artsy stuff now and then, mostly painting, or more unconventional things, like "I bet I can make (insert item) look nice with some pink spray-paint" But among other things I received some nice pencils, so I've gone back to drawing, which I haven't done in years. Recently I've been drawing Ivy, I love plants, and Ivy is one of my favourites. I think there's something soothing about drawing a bunch of individual leaves. I also choose to draw Ivy since I think it'll help me get better at drawing complex shapes. An Ivy leaf isn't exactly the most complex shape there is, but it's still tricky to get that perfect le